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Quick message

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 2:16 pm
by Old Timer
I was passing through and thought I'd say hi.

About a hundred years ago, I was a writer here. The stories were barely passable, but I was a troubled "young person", trying to navigate the world while also trying to understand myself; writing helped.

There were times I didn't think I'd make it to the age of 30. Being LGBTQ+ in a toxically cisheteronormative world was tough. It doesn't get easier, but I've got tougher and I'll be OK.

I guess I just want to thank you all for being there during one of the rougher parts of my journey.

Re: Quick message

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:02 pm
by Carrie
I'm sure Colonel Chris would be delighted that the site gave you comfort and joy during difficult times.

This site and the world of Captain Scarlet was a sort of lifebelt for me too back in 2003 when I was going through a tough patch. Reading the fan-fic and reconnecting with my second childhood gave me joy and purpose again, and I made some lifelong friends in the process.

Thanks for passing through, and I hope your continued journey in life goes well.

Re: Quick message

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2020 8:29 am
by Marion
Hello, Old Timer,
It maybe odd to say that reading and writing CS fiction can be a lifeline, but I heartily concur. I too buried bad times in an avalanche of non-stop scribbling and reading other CS stories. Maybe knowing that whatever angst you worked out against Scarlet, he'd bounce back was therapeutic? It is what he's there for, after all... and the fact that he had a group of supportive friends, who understood what he was going through, may also have played its part. :D
Go well - stay safe.