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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 8:38 pm
by Clya Brown
Just one little thing about Astrid... I'd like to believe that if there is such a thing as an alternative element of the Mysteron consciousness (and Black's actions suggest that there is), then it wasn't actually responsible for Astrid's death in the first place. After all, it was a remarkably "convenient" death, wasn't it? Or do all factions of the Mysteron consciousness, regardless of their political persuasion, subscribe to the view that bumping off humans left, right and centre is acceptable behaviour? Of course, we've really got no reason to believe that it isn't. Our own concepts of "good" and "evil" could well have no meaning at all to an alien species, and let's face it, we're pretty ambivalent about their usage ourselves when the fancy takes us. Any action we can justify to ourselves usually gets labelled as "good", and by killing the original Astrid to supply themselves with a convenient tool, the "good" Mysterons may be simply applying a different slant on that principle.

In earlier postings I've assumed that there will actually be a second part to this episode - but as far as I know there's been no explicit indication of one. But if there isn't, I'll certainly be very disappointed.

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 9:45 pm
by Scarlet Lady
You and me both! It'd be great if they did build on this episode, later on...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:49 pm
by shadokp
This is my second favorite episode of the first batch and after watching it again on DVD there are a number of questions - Already brought up - did the Mysterons kill Astrid or was the death accidental? Spectrum seem not to care that Astrid was dead and that the Mysterons may have been behind it.

If this was a training base, were their methods a bit too harsh - a guard going into Destiny's cell to cause trouble and a cycle launching a missile at Scarlet's bike?

Still, I loved it and the action was top notch.

Animation highlight - Helicopters over castle, running outside and shooting guards, NY city, etc.

Story highlight - Bike chase, guy falling off bike and roof, escape from castle, etc.

I noticed I seemed to be very harsh on my rankings - giving some episodes 4 out of 10. I didn't mean to state that I thought the episodes were anywhere near being bad. I have enjoyed every one and never thought of one as being weak. There may be elements that didn't quite do it for me and some are less memorable.



PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 9:30 pm
by Marcus
Having watched the DVD set, this episode for me stands out as the towering achievement of the first series. The range of CGI lighting effects from the escape at night to New York at dusk, the contrast between fast paced action and thought provoking insights into the Mysterons, the subplot in New York with Blue and Ochre - it all comes together very well and lives up to the promise that each episode would be like a mini feature film. Outstanding.