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Skin Deep

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:46 pm
by Marion
I am assuming that this is the next episode due to be shown tomorrow (Saturday 16th).
I haven't received the usual e-mail from Lt Green on the CGI Website - so does anyone know if it is due to be shown and when?

BTW - I wonder if Lt Green's been sacked? I didn't get an email last week either - of course, I might've been struck off their mailing list for being less than tremendously impressed :? However, I would still like to see the episode and I have to set the video as I'm working tomorrow morning.... :(

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:30 pm
by Father Unwin
Hello, Marion

I feel certain that NCS will be shown this week because the MOM website says so.

The only time this website did not list New Captain Scarlet was the time of the Bahrain Grand Prix a couple of weeks ago (so it was right then).

I expect it to start at 10:55am but I guess it could be a few minutes either way. It seems to depend on the self-centred male presenter of MOM!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 9:34 pm
by Sage
Yeah I think it is on.

Really hope it is, and more importantly, that it starts at the right time and the personal planner works.

Sure as heck do not want to watch an extra second on MOM. Which is of course just hideous.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 7:58 am
by Marion
Thanks for that information, and Sage, I quite agree - even the little I have seen of MoM is more than enough!
I do wish the CGI website was more useful though - you think they'd be keen to remind people when they can see the show - but they haven't got a news/update section at all - in fact they seem to have gone to sleep again after the 'behind the scenes' section opened.
It's very frustrating and rather off-putting, because it gives an impression they don't care what happens to the show.
Anyway - I must get off to work... :?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 11:39 am
by shaqui
Hmmm... lovely looking episode, but the first one I feel a little disappointed with. There's a tremendous amount of set up but very little pay off. Possibly the only episode so far were I feel the writer suddenly realised he was nearly at the end of the episode, and had to wrap things up too quickly...


PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:28 pm
by Sage
Yeah I thought that too.
Ah yes the damsel in distress thing. :roll: Was inevitable really.

Otherwise is was pretty cool. We actually got to see the green rings which was a neat touch. And of course all the usual technology, gymnastics and such.

Black wanting to make Destiny his slave raised some interesting questions about his humanity. Does he still love her, or was he just being utterly cold hearted and going to use her. Maybe even a bit of both.

Okay I'll stop it now :)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 12:54 pm
by JamesMagenta
I agree,it was good but there have been better episodes.
As usual Captain Black was the star of the show,his cockey arrogant attitude is a pleasure to watch.
My favourite moment of this episode was when Captain Black brought Destiny some food and she says how am I going to eat that when I am chained up,And he says well I will feed you.
One thing I liked is when Gina was mysteronised she was a mindless drone.
So it seems that the mysterons can choose if they want ther replicas to be independent agents with a mind of ther own or mindless slaves.
Also just like last week there was no Captain Blue,I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing as he is sometimes annoying.
I was also wondering about Captain Black feelings towards Destiny.
I think he was being cold hearted and would have turned her into a mindless drone like Gina.
P.S The gadget Gina used to cut thourgh the window was cool. :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:46 pm
Still a fun episode :D

Let me see which one is the good Destiny and which one is the bad?

Destiny in black bad :twisted:

Destiny in white good 8)

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:59 pm
by Carrie
I agree with Shaqui that there was a lot on the front end..and although I liked was sort of out of kilter with the other eps...
I liked the Destiny 'copy' breaking and entering..very well done..definite shades of Catherine Zeta-Jones in the film 'Entrapment' with the laser dancing.... :wink:
I have to agree...Black sounds like he's enjoying himself far too much....what's that line about the devil having all the best tunes? :D
When White said the line: 'Inform all the other captains' I eagerly anticipated seeing some new faces...but no...foiled again.....

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:17 pm
by Matt Crowther
An episode that could've had more certainly.
Black's line about giving the Mysteron agent 'the green stuff' was comical.

Anyone know the definite time its on? I have to set the tape 10:50-11:30, because of MOM

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:02 pm
by Marion
I think the main thing to note about this episode is that towards the end, Destiny says to Scarlet (something like) 'You told me that when you are near a Mysteron you feel ill.... so how do you feel?'
That's the first time that aspect of his condition has been mentioned - and I can't recall it having been used either - but I may be mis-remembering...
It also sounds as if Scarlet's meant to experience it every time he meets a Mysteron... which wasn't always the case in the Classic CS either.
I wonder if the writer decided to use it here simply as a quick way to bring the episode to an end - or whether we'll see it again? Given that in this series there seem to be ... varying degrees of Mysteron (not all are killed - as far as we know) perhaps it only applies to dead ones?

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:34 pm
by JamesMagenta
No Scarlet feeling unwell was mentiond in Circles of Doom.
When they landed in the field,Blue says ''The crop circle should be here''
Then Scarlet says something like ''Well there is something going on here because I am suddenly feeling lousey.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:06 am
by Marion
You're quite right, so they did. However, I don't think they said - oh that must be because you are close to a Mysteron... did they? It wasn't made clear that that was the cause of his feeling lousy.
I shall have to watch it again - when I can find the time :D

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:59 pm
by JamesMagenta
Your right,It was never said that it was because of a mysteron being close.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:13 pm
by shaqui
JamesMagenta wrote:Your right,It was never said that it was because of a mysteron being close.

But then... it never really was in the original series, was it? It was implied in 'Winged Assassin', and only really referred to in 'Point 783' when the Mysteron agent asks 'Where's your sixth sense now, Earthman?'. It's possible Scarlet anticipated the Mysteronised Angels approaching in 'Seek And Destroy' but not many more.

The 'TV21' strip, annuals, and mini-albums were a little more upfront with the outright statement Scarlet felt ill (Blue refers to it as 'sweating and swaying' in one audio adventure) when close to a Mysteron, and this was almost always used as a detection system. The technological Mysteron detector, and x-rays, get very little mention in these...