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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 3:01 pm
by shaqui
Kambei wrote:Speaking of Destiny's wiggle and Scarlet keeping her happy, was it my imagination, or does Scarlet seem to have his hand on her tush near the beginning of the episode. One second his left hand is by his side, the next it is behind Destiny!

Maybe he was trying to stop her waggling it! :-D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:36 pm
by captain wil
On the whole I enjoyed the episode this week although, is it only me or is Col White just a bit mean? The whole beginning sequence set up the fact that the effect killed the Angels' (and all other 'digital') systems so what's the first thing he does when Black's lair is discovered? Send in the bloody Angels!

But hey, she knows the risks! Yeah, thanks a bunch.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 5:45 pm
by Marion
Yeah, he has a habit of doing that - the new colonel. He's all heart... :roll:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:13 am
by C21
Marion wrote: Most of the official Website is still locked down - there's nothing new and even if they had all the character data open - only half a dozen characters are listed.

Have to agree the website isn’t one thing or another. Not detailed enough for adults nor interactive enough for kids. The webteam have reported that the engineering section will soon be up and running. I would have though the news section should have been the first thing online. :roll:

Otherwise, I look at CS:CGI like Supercar. First time using a production method in this case, Hypermarionation, and still learning the ropes. The next season or perhaps in two series time, production should be a lot smoother.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 3:08 pm
by Lieutenant Green
Circles of Doom was definitely the best episode so far (bar the pilot) in terms of story, visuals and character movement.

This had elements which we are all familiar with - crop circles, digital technology and a World War 2 bomber aircraft. I believe this is the only episode that Brian Finch has written for the series. 'Give that man a job!'

Impressive air performances from all aircraft (vampires, angel interceptors and Lancaster bomber). Absolutely brilliant explosive ending (almost as good as the explosion of the Mysteron city in first episode). Up until now, most of the explosions we have seen have been pretty naff.

Excellent aerial scenes of the green fields.

Something I have been longing to see more often - consistent movement in the characters. Seems like a huge amount of mo-cap was used in this one which makes the whole thing look a lot better and more realistic, instead of some episodes where some movement looked similar to those in computer games.

All in all, an excellent episode. If more of them were like this, Gerry would have every reason to boast about the series. 9/10

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:46 pm
by Aegis
I had to tape yesterday's episode and viewing it back, I'm sure there are a couple of continuity errors involving the Harmony bail-out sequence. In one close up, her helmet badge definitely reads 'Destiny', and in another it's disappeared altogether.

Oops... :oops:

In answer to Marion's point about Destiny getting over Conrad pretty quickly, bear in mind that the order the shows are screened in isn't necessarily the order in which they were written or made (in fact, the original episode 3, Rain of Terror has Scarlet flirting with Susan Todd which is going to make Scarlet look a bit of a cad when it's aired :D).

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:12 pm
by C21
Aegis wrote: In answer to Marion's point about Destiny getting over Conrad pretty quickly, bear in mind that the order the shows are screened in isn't necessarily the order in which they were written or made.

Any idea what the running order on the DVDs will be? The intended running order or the broadcast order?


PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:23 pm
by Aegis
That's a very good question... (and not one I have an answer to at the moment). Let me get back to you on that... ;)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:50 pm
by Captain Indigo
Well, I have to say that I was impressed with 'Circles of Doom'. It's the first NCS ep I've seen, so I have no basis for comparison against the others, but I thought it was good. The voices, though, the less said the better (no pun intended) and I agree about Destiny. Does any woman walk like that normally? I know I don't sway THAT much!

Hope the rest of the series is as good story-wise, though!

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:02 am
by Elentari
I liked the way Black shifted the crop patterns around on the screen until they locked into position. It reminded me of a computer game I play occasionally.

That old Lancaster bomber looked really good - though I question their accuracy in hitting the target. I don’t think it was quite that easy in WWII - and I suspect Spectrum personnel might be just a little lacking in flying experience (let alone bombing!) when it comes to Lancasters. We know from the plot they definitely did not have access to modern targeting equipment.

I loved the rather unhappy expression on Black’s face just before the bombs hit. Clunky attempt at humour (White/Scarlet) in the finish though.

PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2005 4:21 pm
by Marcus
I liked Black in this one, in fact he's turning out to be the most likeable and amusing character rather than the old Black who stood in the background, arranged the odd car crash then disappeared as things got interesting. He stops Destiny's jet crashing, proof he still has feelings there? And we hear the much missed Voice Of The Mysterons warning everyone in advance!

Airfield looked a bit deserted - a nod to the classic CS with its empty cities ('the area's been evacuated' :roll: ) and understaffed military bases/air traffic control centres! :grin:

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 2:58 pm
by Sage
Yay finally got see this :)

It certainly looked really good, with all the effects and such. Get the impression someone is trying to get their money's worth with all the neat things CGI can do.

Wasn't too impressed with the plot though, seems a bit too implausable and as too much was being crammed in.

Not bad over all, but not one of my faves.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:48 am
by shadokp
Kambei wrote:Speaking of Destiny's wiggle and Scarlet keeping her happy, was it my imagination, or does Scarlet seem to have his hand on her tush near the beginning of the episode. One second his left hand is by his side, the next it is behind Destiny!

Viewing the DVD and then reading these comments I am glad I wasn't the only one to notice this - that sly dog...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 3:52 am
by shadokp
I loved this one. The story, again is a bit predictable but who cares.. The visuals continue to shine and the Mysteron technology that Black uses is really well conceived.

Animation highlight - The Lancaster Bomber, the underground Mysteron base
Story Highlight - Black being taken over by Mysteron voice - goo editing there.



PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:13 am
by Graham
One of my favourite episodes of series 1.

The flight scenes were absolutely breathtaking. I do love to see fantasy aircraft in action, especially when portrayed quite realistically as the air show stunts were.

I'm curious if the RAF or other flying organisations were asked for advice on getting the flight scenes correct.

A couple of points that bugged me about this episode were: -

1) If all 5 Angels were taking part in the Airshow, who was defending Skybase from possible aerial attack? Surely Spectrum wouldn't have left Skybase without any fighter cover, yet only 5 Angels have been shown so far and all were at the air show.

2) Where were the spectators at the air show? All this lovely flying going on and there didn't seem to be a single person watching, just miles and miles of empty fields? A bit strange, as air shows tend to draw fairly big crowds in real life.

I do also think the episode would have been better had the Lancaster pilot been along on the bombing mission at the end. Expecting Scarlet and Blue to be able to expertly pilot, navigate and drop bombs from an old WWII bomber as they did was a bit unrealistic IMO.
