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PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:53 pm
by shaqui
Interesting episode, and further up the production order. Looks like Scarlet has been revamped slightly to make him a tad more like the original - or is it just me? Colonel White also looks a bit different...

But still impressed with the CGI - especially the detail and lighting.

Nice to also see characters go off duty - you would think the original Green was glued to his chair! And I wonder how far the writers will push the envelope regarding romantic attachments... ? Hints of a couple already! :shock:

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:44 pm
We also see Lt Silver for the first time, was it my imagination or did she sound like an Australian or New Zealander?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:29 pm
by Kambei
So, is there something going on with Captain Blue and Lieutenant Green?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:40 pm
by shaqui
Kambei wrote:So, is there something going on with Captain Blue and Lieutenant Green?

I daresay this will fuel fan fiction for another 40 years to come...


PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:25 pm
by captain wil
Did I miss something or did Destiny fire on an obviously military plane just because they didn't answer her straight away?


PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:44 pm
by shaqui
Captain Wil wrote:Did I miss something or did Destiny fire on an obviously military plane just because they didn't answer her straight away?

She did a fly by of the cockpit. While it wasn't obvious, if there was anyone in the cockpit, and they could not use the radio, there is an international signal to indicate that. it's taken as read no one signalled, or there was no-one piloting.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:33 pm
by captain wil
Ummm... first Captain Black and now Destiny Angel. They're a trigger-happy bunch, the new Spectrum :)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:47 pm
by Marion

If I may be so bold... can I ask - why didn't all the electrical connections etc on Skybase short circuit like the nano-bugs when the water spraying overhead fire sprinklers came on everywhere ? ;-$

PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 11:45 pm
by Carrie
Well...I had to admit I enjoyed it..all the action and what-not. I couldn't tell that the faces had improved much ('cept Green really does look the most realistic..and she is definitely growing on me.)But some of the body shots were really good..especially from a distance.
I had a few annoyed moments though..
First one being that my ITV channel through SKY digital seemed to have the sound totally screwed. music and voices all warbling....did anyone else out there have this problem???
Second: I don't think this is a spoiler...I watched the ep twice and nowhere could I find the names uttered of any of the other Angels. Okay we know the Asian one is Symphony..cos thats easy to figure out... :wink: BUT who was the Cranberry-haired one with Blue with what sounded suspiciously like a deep-South US accent.. ?[ Her walk was also a bit odd...looked like she was carrying a LOT of spare avoirdupois on her rear end...(miaoww...!)]
Anyway back to the names ; it sort of reminded me of those stories where all the characters are not named so it can all be revealed, WHY? I want to know NOW! Also their voices..apart from the Asian gals..were all very it wasn't wasy to tell them apart..mind you..maybe only I care...
Perhaps this is a symptom of the fact the series has been launched in Feb instead of the proposed Sept dates..if so..why?
Third: why do all the engineering dept type bods..(if that's who that guy was..and not Grey..but he had the wrong seemed...HAVE to be Scottish???
Not that I mind a Scot being in there...its just a tad so typecastingl... :wink:
Fourth: Where ARE the other colour captains??? Okay its only ep 3..but we seem to be seeing more of the 'here's a security guard..toliet cleaner..lets bump them off' than the other supposed level two characters..okay we got all the Angels..but (see comments above)

Anyway...lots of things going on sub-action wise:
Didn't take long for Destiny to get over Conrad then....
Blue and Green..interesting colour combination...
Scarelt has a sense of humour...or WHAT? and sorry..that was sarcasm for those that didn't know. Puns 'r' Us Still I guess at least he HAS one! They always said the original did...but damned if I could ever find it...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:27 am
by Aegis
Destiny you already know, the redhead is Harmony, the brunette with the bob is Melody, the asian girl is Symphony and lastly there's Rhapsody who's umm... the other one... :D she's got lighter brown hair and wears it in a plait...

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:33 am
by chrisbishop




Nothing I've read so far had DISCOURAGED me enough not to want to see it!

I'm dying here!!!!!! :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:18 am
by shaqui
Carrie wrote:Scarlet has a sense of humour...or WHAT?

I know the original Scarlet (voice at least) was supposed to be based on Cary Grant but Kim thinks the new one is aiming at Pierre Brosnan? There's a somewhat 'James Bond' type humour creeping in too...


PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:29 am
by chrisbishop
20 years ago... Pierce Brosnan had been dubbed the 'Cary Grant of the 80s' ... :shock:

And I actually like Cary Grant AND Pierce Brosnan... And for those who's wondering that has nothing to do with Captain Scarlet.

I liked Cary Grant before even knowing he had been taken as model for Scarlet - and that his English voice was that of Grant (I knew only the French voice of Scarlet in those times).

As for Pierce Brosnan... well, what's not to like? 8)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:51 am
by Clya Brown
It's this thing about people jumping off Skybase whenever they feel like it that bothers me a bit. I mean, how high is the thing supposed to be these days? 60,000 feet, isn't it? So what does that make the air temperature up there? I've heard a figure of -120°C being talked about, which is just a tiny bit on the chilly side, even if you're wearing a woolly vest and a pair of long socks.

Also there's the question of the air pressure: a quick visit to "Ask Jeeves" tells me that at just half that height the pressure has already dropped from 1000 millibars on the ground to less than 300 millibars, at which height the temperature has already dropped to -50°C, so whatever those suits are that they wear up there, they must have both amazing insulation characteristics and be capable of withstanding remarkable air pressure fluctuations, bearing in mind that the same garments are still being worn once the intrepid skydivers have floated down to the ground.

Perhaps somebody who knows more about flying suits than I do would like to comment on the feasibility of creating such a garment. When it comes to extrapolating our current understanding of physics into the realm of science fiction I'm all for suspension of a little disbelief here and there - but not from the yardarm.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:20 pm
by Kambei
Marion, all I can think of is that the Skybase electrical systems are sealed against fluid spillage. That would make sense for something like the base. If there was a normal fire on board and the sprinkler system went off, think about what the consequences would be if all the control systems shorted out at 60,000 feet? It isn't the fall that hurts, it's the landing! Allows for coffee spills as well.
As for the nano-bugs, that is a major plot glitch. They would get into trouble the first time it rained, or they would be restricted to use indoors or in theatres on conflict such as the Middle East.
Nice to see some ancillary staff on Skybase, though. And I loved the comment Green made about never leaving the communications console. The original seemed to be glued to his seat 24/7.