Original series Suitable for all readersAction-oriented/low level of violence

Nature VS. Nurture, by Allison Lannister

Part 3

“Well,” Ochre mused as the four Spectrum officers entered the laboratory of Doktor Tanenbaum, “we’ve found the mad scientist’s lab. Now where’s Frankenstein?”

Scarlet sighed irritably. “For heaven’s sake, Ochre, you’ve been watching far too many Hollywood films. Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster; and anyway, as an explosives expert, this Doktor Tanenbaum will have studied a different branch of chemistry than Victor Frankenstein.”

“Sorry, Scarlet,” Ochre muttered. “Didn’t realise I’d woken the literature police.” Behind him, Blue and Onyx sniggered.

“Check everything in this laboratory,” Scarlet ordered, choosing to ignore Ochre. “There may be something which indicates the whereabouts of Doktor Tanenbaum, or what he might be planning next.”

“Do you really think that he’ll have built the device here in the lab?” Blue furrowed his brow. “Don’t the Mysterons prefer to be subtle in preparing for their attacks? This just seems a little... obvious, don’t you think?”

“Obvious, yes; but also more practical.” Ochre looked up from where he was rifling through papers on the desk at the front of the room. “I can’t pretend to know what Doktor Tanenbaum’s house is like, but here in the lab he would certainly have all the equipment he would need to build a bomb. Plus, it would look a hell of a lot less suspicious for a scientist who specialises in explosives to be building a device in his place of work – where he could pass it off as something to be studied – than in his own home, where he would have no obvious reason for doing so.”

“Good point,” Scarlet nodded. “The less attention he would draw to himself, the better. Now, is there any way we can tell if he did build it here, and if so, what he used?”

“There may be, if Doktor Tanenbaum is anything like my chemistry teachers at school.” Onyx walked over to a large padlocked cupboard, marked CAUTION: DANGEROUS MATERIALS. “They always kept an inventory of the chemicals and equipment stored in the lab, for safety reasons, so they’d know if anything went missing. Hopefully, there should be a similar list...” she grinned suddenly, and extracted a clipboard from a folder attached to the side of the cupboard, “... right here. Signed and dated yesterday.”

“Excellent.” Blue took the clipboard, and studied the items on the list attached to it. “Now all we have to do is check the cupboard to see if anything’s missing. If there is, we’ve got our man.” Taking the set of keys that Ochre had been given by the university, he tried to unlock the padlock, only to frown when none of them worked. “Damn; he must have removed the spare so no one could get in. Has anyone seen any other keys or anything we can use to get in? I don’t want to risk shooting the padlock off in case there are combustible materials in there.”

“They’re right here in his desk drawer.” Ochre held up another set of keys and smirked. “How nice of him to leave the originals here for us. Not exactly the sneakiest Mysteron agent around, is he?”

“His primary goal is to carry out the assassination of Frau Vögel, so he’ll be focusing more on that as opposed to completely covering his tracks,” Scarlet shrugged. “But I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Captain Ochre, open that door.”

“SIG Captain Scarlet.” Ochre began inserting keys into the padlock, until he found the one which unlocked it, and pulled the door open.

“Well,” Blue mused, as they all peered in to see numerous items missing from almost all of the shelves, “I think we can safely assume that Doktor Tanenbaum built his bomb using the lab and its equipment. Even at a glance, I can tell that the amount in here does not equal the amount recorded yesterday.”

“When I checked with the university security, they informed me that there were no lessons scheduled here today,” Ochre stated. “So I highly doubt that they were used for teaching purposes.”

Scarlet’s epaulets flashed white, and his cap microphone swung down. “Colonel White, we’re in Doktor Tanenbaum’s lab. There are a number of items missing from the storage cupboards, which could have been used to build the bomb. It’s looking very likely that we’ve found our Mysteron agent.”

I believe you’re right, Captain. Lieutenant Green has just come off the line with Spectrum: Berlin. They have found the wreckage of a Mercedes, registered to Doktor Tanenbaum. It would appear that the crash happened yesterday, and there could have been no survivors. However, the university’s security cameras picked up the same Mercedes entering and leaving the grounds earlier today. With all this new information, I have no doubt that Doktor Tanenbaum has been reconstructed by the Mysterons.

Scarlet frowned. “He left earlier? His first attempt on Frau Vögel’s life failed; do you think he’s going to try again?”

It’s highly likely, Captain. I’ve informed Captain Grey and Captain Magenta of the situation, and the Angels and security services are on the lookout for Doktor Tanenbaum’s car. For the moment, examine the laboratory in case there are any clues which may indicate what he is planning to do next.

“SIG.” Scarlet’s cap microphone swung back up, and he turned back towards the open cupboard. He was about to say something, when he heard a slight shuffling noise.

He frowned. “Did you hear that?”

Blue looked up from where he was checking items from the cupboard off the inventory. “Hear what?”

Scarlet shook his head. “Must be nothing. I just thought I heard a noise...” he trailed off as he heard it again. It seemed to be coming from one of the cupboards standing across the room from them. As he made his way towards it, there was a definite banging noise.

Ochre poked his head around the open cupboard’s door, closely followed by Onyx. “Okay, that I heard.”

The banging sounded again, this time accompanied by a trembling of the door, as if someone was attempting to open it.

Onyx raised an incredulous eyebrow. “Did I just imagine that, or... ?”

“It would appear not, Lieutenant,” Scarlet replied. “But I agree that it’s quite strange. We were told that there would be no one else in here... and this cupboard is also locked. Captain Ochre, do you still have Doktor Tanenbaum’s keys?”

“I do.” Ochre removed the key dangling from the padlock of the open cupboard.

“Get this door open, and quickly. But be careful,” Scarlet warned as Ochre stepped up to the locked door. “It may be a Mysteron trap.”

“SIG.” Ochre fiddled with the keys and the lock for a second, until he heard a click, and gingerly turned the handle.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to do much else, as the door swung open, and a body fell on him.


Blue and Scarlet immediately sprung forward to help whoever had fallen on Ochre – who they could see now was a young woman who had been bound and gagged – while Onyx extended a hand to Ochre to help him off the floor, and tried very hard not to laugh.

“Are you alright?” Blue asked the woman, as he removed her gag and began to untie her with Scarlet’s help.

She nodded. “Ja... ja, dankeschön. I am alright.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?”

“My name is Karla. I am Doktor Tanenbaum’s teaching assistant. Who are you?”

“We’re from Spectrum,” Blue reassured her. “I’m Captain Blue, this is Captain Scarlet, the one you fell on is Captain Ochre, and that’s Lieutenant Onyx. We’re here to help. Why would someone lock you in that cupboard?”

“Spectrum? Ja, I have heard of you,” Karla drew in a shaky breath. “It was... it was Doktor Tanenbaum who locked me in there, after he knocked me unconscious. It must have been because I saw the device he was working on, which I was obviously not meant to.”

“That must have been the bomb he used to try to kill Frau Vögel at her speech,” Scarlet noted, as he and Blue finished untying Karla and helped her to her feet.

“Kill...? Oh nein! Not Doktor Tanenbaum!” Karla gasped. “I know he may have... locked me in there, but I can assure you, he is a good man. He would never try to kill the Chancellor of Europe!”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, Karla,” Blue told her gently, “but the man you knew as Doktor Tanenbaum was killed and taken over by the Mysterons. There are a number of materials missing from your cupboards, which look to have been used in a bomb in an attempt to assassinate Frau Vögel; and while that attempt failed, we think he may try and attack again.”

“I cannot believe this...” Karla sank down onto a nearby chair. “And yet... it does make sense. The way he was acting, and how he was talking when I saw him last... ‘Earthwoman’, I believe was his exact phrase.”

“Yup, definitely a Mysteron,” Ochre muttered, as he, Scarlet and Onyx resumed their search of the laboratory.

“I’m going to call a medic,” Blue said quietly to Scarlet, ignoring Ochre. “She’s in shock. Have we found anything that could indicate Doktor... the Mysteron agent’s next move?”

Scarlet scowled and shook his head, looking over to where Ochre was searching the cupboards, and Onyx was rifling through the desk drawers. “Nothing. There’s no indication whatsoever of where he’s heading or what he’s planning.”

“Excuse me, Captains?” Karla’s voice broke in to their conversation, causing the officers to look over to where she had slipped out of her chair, and was now standing in front of the ‘Dangerous Materials’ cabinet.

“Yes, Karla?” Blue replied, slightly bewildered that she had managed to move from her chair so quietly (and judging from the looks of surprise worn by Onyx and Ochre, he wasn’t the only one).

“I have been looking at what you said was missing, and what was used to create the...” Karla swallowed hard, “... the bomb. And I cannot help but notice that there is enough missing to build two bombs.”

“Two?” Ochre looked up sharply. “Are you sure?”

Karla nodded. “Ja. I am not as experienced in the field as Doktor Tanenbaum is... was. But I am certain of this.”

Scarlet frowned. “Karla. This device that you saw the Mysteronised Doktor Tanenbaum working on; what exactly did it look like?”

“I remember how strange it looked,” she replied. “Not like a regular bomb at all. At least, not the ones we study here at the universität.”

“Which was what alerted you that something might be wrong?” Onyx asked quietly.

Karla nodded again. “Ja. I wasn’t able to get a closer look, as he then knocked me out. The next thing I knew, I was in that cupboard.”

“But before he knocked you out, what were you able to see?” Scarlet asked, more than a hint of urgency in his tone.

“This may sound crazy, but it was... a kettle.”

“A kettle?” Scarlet exchanged a glance with Blue. “What on earth would a Mysteron agent want with a kettle?”

Karla furrowed her brows. “It had been turned on its side so I could see wires running out of its base, which I think must have been connected to components inside the kettle.”

“So it’s a bomb masquerading as a kettle,” Scarlet stroked his chin. “I wonder how he’s going to attempt to get it near enough to Frau Vögel to ensure that she’s the target.”

“Because Frau Vögel always has a kettle in her office for when she’s working late nights and wants a hot drink, like a tea or coffee,” Ochre replied, holding up a piece of paper. “Lieutenant Onyx found this in one of his desk drawers. It’s a newspaper article with an interview with Frau Vögel about little things she uses to help her do her job.”

“And you’re sure the Mysteron agent is using it as a source of information?”

“Well, considering he’s circled it in red pen, I’m inclined to think so.”

“Frau Vögel mentioned that she’s been having ‘long and tedious conversations’ with Poland,” Blue remembered. “I think it’s highly likely that she may be pulling a late night tonight, and will need a coffee.”

“Doktor Tanenbaum specialises... specialised in pressure triggers for bombs,” Karla bit her lip. “For example, the device would detonate if a pressure plate was stepped on or...”

“Or if the switch of a kettle was turned on,” Onyx finished.

Scarlet cursed. “That’s got to be his plan. Captain Blue, please escort Karla to the medic’s office, and meet us out front when you’re done. Lieutenant Onyx, contact Colonel White and update him on the situation, and see if they have found the Mysteron agent yet. We need to find him and stop him as soon as possible.”

“He’ll still have to find a way to get the bomb in to Frau Vögel’s office,” Ochre frowned, following Blue, Karla and Onyx out of the laboratory and turning to look at Scarlet. “How on earth is he going to try and attempt that?”

“I don’t know,” Scarlet replied grimly, shutting the door behind him. “And I intend to find out before he gets the chance to carry it out.”


The Mysteron replica of Doktor Tanenbaum smiled cruelly as he drove towards Berlin. On the seat next to him, the bomb he had made sat in its box, looking all the world like an innocuous kettle.

The Mysterons’ plan was brilliant. As expected, should the car bomb fail to kill the target, the Earthmen had rushed Frau Vögel back to her office in Berlin where, considering what he had learned of the Earthwoman’s habits, she would remain to continue working. Once he arrived in Berlin, close enough to her office building to access it quickly, but far enough away from Spectrum’s infernal checkpoints so that he wouldn’t be spotted, a distraction would be caused, allowing him to sneak in, plant the kettle, and sneak back out. Then, when Frau Vögel went to get a hot drink...

Then, the Mysteron agent thought with dark satisfaction, the Earthmen will have been dealt another crushing blow, and the Mysterons will be one step closer to winning the War of Nerves.

Glancing up to check the signposts, in order to confirm how far away he was from Berlin, his expression suddenly darkened. “What?!” he snapped out loud. “A diversion due to road works? This cannot be!

Gritting his teeth, he turned the wheel to follow the rest of the cars exiting the autobahn. “Nein, nein, everything will be fine. The Mysterons’ instructions will still be carried out,” he reasoned with himself. “This may cause a slight delay, but there will still be time to get to the Earthwoman’s office to plant the bomb.

So occupied was he in working out the adjustments to his plan, that he didn’t see the Angel aircraft soaring overhead.


After dropping Karla off with the medical personnel, checking that the Spectrum ground agents had the situation under control, and clearing it with Colonel White, the four colour-coded officers had set off from the university in the two SSCs that had been stationed there since their arrival, with the intention of returning to Berlin. It had been decided to stop off at a nearby garage to pick up an SPV which was being stored there, when Captain Scarlet’s epaulets flashed.

I have visual contact with the Mysteron agent’s car,” Melody Angel reported over the radio. “He was on the B216, but due to road works, he has had to follow a diversion.”

“SIG, Melody. Call the other Angels to your location, and maintain aerial surveillance,” Scarlet ordered, ending the call and turning to Blue, who was in the driver’s seat. “With the Angels monitoring his location, and the superior speed of the SPV we’re about to pick up, we now have a greater chance of intercepting the Mysteron before he gets to Berlin.”

“Right,” Blue agreed, turning the SSC off the main road and towards the garage. “I’ll let the Colonel and Ochre and Onyx know, you check with Magenta and Grey; see how they’re doing.”

Scarlet nodded, radioing Magenta. “Captain Magenta, the Mysteron agent is on his way to Berlin. We’re going to try and intercept him, but in case we are unable to, have you been able to persuade Frau Vögel not to work late tonight?”

No good, Captain Scarlet,” Magenta replied gloomily. “She insisted her work was of the utmost importance. And even if we could stop her from using the kettle, the Mysteron agent could always detonate it remotely.”

“Then we’ll just have to stop him before he has a chance to plant the device. Keep trying though; hopefully you’ll be able to convince her.”

SIG.” Magenta radioed off just as the SSCs pulled up to the garage, parked and the Spectrum officers got out.

“I’ll go and get the SPV,” Blue volunteered. “While I’m doing that, you three try and figure out the quickest way to intercept the Mysteron agent.”

“SIG,” Ochre replied, his cap microphone swinging down in order to contact Melody, while Onyx pulled out a map that was stored in the SSC and opened it out over the bonnet.

Blue turned and walked towards a garage attendant, who paused in the work she was doing on a car’s engine and turned to him, wiping her hands on a rag.

Guten tag, sir,” she greeted him. “How may I help you?”

“Captain Blue, Spectrum,” Blue replied. “Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle 1882, Bitte.”

“Identification?” she asked. He nodded and handed her his ID card; she examined it and then nodded. “Dankeschön, Captain. The SPV is hidden in one of the closed bays; I will open the door for you.”

Dankeschön,” Blue replied, following her towards the bays, while back at the SSC, Scarlet, Onyx and Ochre were closely examining the map.

“So according to Melody, the diversion the Mysteron took led him above the B216.” Ochre traced the route on the map with his finger. “He’s travelling in the same direction, but on single carriageways rather than the motorway.”

“That works in our favour,” Scarlet noted. “It’s roughly the same distance and direction, but there will be a lower speed limit, so we’ll have more of a chance of catching up with him.”

“Strange that he didn’t take the A24,” Onyx mused. “It’s a more direct and faster route to Berlin than the B216.”

“Ironically, he probably thought that because of that, there was more of a risk of delays due to traffic or something else.” Scarlet replied.

“Melody reported that she’d also been in touch with Lieutenant Green, who told her that the diversion is reported to end around here.” Ochre pointed on the map. “It’s where he would join the A14 from the B216, and then go on to the A24 towards Berlin.”

“Then that looks to be our prime area to cut him off.” Scarlet noted. “He’s got about a half an hour head start on us, but due to his delays and our vehicles’ superior speeds, we should be able to close in on him.”

“SIG, Captain Scarlet,” Ochre nodded. “Here’s Captain Blue with the SPV.”

The SPV had pulled up alongside the parked SSCs, and the door had opened, with Blue poking his head out of the top. “Okay, the SPV is good to go. What’s the plan?”

“We’ll launch a two-pronged attack to converge on him from both directions,” Scarlet replied, walking up to the SPV to get in. “Captain Blue, you and I will take the SPV on the route he took and hopefully we’ll be able to catch up with him. Captain Ochre, Lieutenant Onyx, you two go the shorter route on the A24 in the SSC and cut him off before he can join that motorway.”

“SIG,” Ochre replied, turning and striding back to the SSC, with Onyx behind him. “Come on, Lena,” he grinned, opening the driver’s door and getting into the seat. “Let’s go catch a Mysteron.”

“SIG.” Onyx was getting into her own seat when she paused, and turned to Ochre with her eyebrow raised. “Wait. Lena?”

Ochre chuckled a little nervously, starting the engine once they were both seated, and pulling out after the SPV. “Sorry, I have a tendency to shorten people’s names. If you don’t want me to call you that, I won’t.”

“No, no.” Onyx drummed her fingers on the dashboard and gave a small smile. “I like it.”


“Frau Vögel, please,” Captain Magenta pleaded for what felt the hundredth time. “We believe that the Mysterons are going to try and attack you in your office. For your own safety, please let us escort you to a safer location.”

“I am sorry, Captain Magenta,” Frau Vögel frowned. “But my work is far too important for me to leave, especially at the stage it is at right now. Mysterons or no Mysterons, this deal with Poland must go ahead for the sake of the European economy. I am sorry, Captains, but my answer is final.”

Magenta scowled once she had shut the door to her office, and turned to Captain Grey. “I’m beginning to understand why Scarlet gets so frustrated with certain authority figures.”

“It can be a pain,” Grey agreed quietly as the two captains took up their guarding positions on either side of the door. “But we have to accept it for now. The others should be able to stop the Mysteron before he gets to Berlin, but in case they don’t, we need to wait here in case he shows up, and we can stop him then.”

“I know,” Magenta grumbled. “That’s the part I hate the most. We’re stuck here waiting, with no idea what’s going on. Meanwhile the Mysterons are carrying out their plan as efficiently as possible.”


“The Mysteron agent has taken a wrong turn,” Rhapsody Angel informed Captain Scarlet over the radio. “He is going in the opposite direction to the motorway, and towards some kind of wooded area.”

“That works out well for us,” Scarlet replied. “The further away we can keep him from Berlin, the better. Continue observation and let us know if anything changes.”

“SIG.” Rhapsody rung off and Scarlet’s cap microphone swung back up.

“Well that was an unexpected bonus,” Captain Blue commented as the SPV zoomed past the traffic. “It keeps him away from Berlin for a while longer and increases our chances of catching him.”

“It does,” Scarlet agreed. “I’ll let Captain Ochre and Lieutenant Onyx know.” His microphone swung down again and his epaulets flashed ochre. “Captain Ochre? The Mysteron agent has gone the wrong way. The Angels have him in their sights and we’re catching up on him fast. How far away are you?”

It would be unprofessional of me to laugh at that so I won’t,” Ochre replied, sounding very amused. “Over the radio at least. We’re nearing the junction where the A24 connects to the A14. If I keep my foot down – and traffic permitting – we should be on the Mysteron’s route in about ten minutes.”

“SIG. We’ll let you know when we find him, and hopefully you can get to our position quickly. The more of us there are on the scene, the more of a chance we have of apprehending him.”

Understood. We should also keep well back from his car when we find him; that’s most likely where he’s keeping the bomb and we don’t want him detonating it remotely.”

“Absolutely not. We’ll stay on guard. Scarlet out.”

Thanks to directions from the Angels, and the SPV’s superior speed and handling being able to deftly avoid any traffic on the road, it wasn’t too long before a flash of silver appeared in Scarlet and Blue’s monitors.

“That must be his car!” Blue stated, turning the SPV in that direction and sure enough, Doktor Tanenbaum’s Mercedes came fully into view, parked on a verge overlooking a copse of trees; evidently so that the Mysteron agent could try and get his bearings again.

“You’re right, Captain Blue,” Scarlet agreed, narrowing his eyes as a figure came round from the back of the car. “And that must be our Mysteron!”

On the screen the figure raised his head, only to vault over the barrier his car was parked by and charge down the verge towards the trees when he saw the approaching SPV.

Scarlet cursed, already making to get out of his seat before Blue had parked the SPV a safe distance away from the Mercedes. “Damn, he spotted us sooner than I would have liked. Captain Blue, update Ochre and Onyx; hopefully they won’t be too far away. I’m going after him.”

“SIG.” Blue nodded, his cap microphone swinging down and his epaulets flashing ochre while Scarlet grabbed the Mysteron gun that was kept in the SPV. Once the door on his side of the SPV had fully opened, he leapt out of his seat and darted down the verge towards the trees. Doktor Tanenbaum may have had a head-start, but an elite Spectrum officer was much fitter than a university professor – even without factoring in his retrometabolism – and so it didn’t take long for Scarlet to reach the copse.

Slinging the Mysteron gun over his back, he drew his sidearm and made his way into the trees. The surroundings were silent, the only sound coming from Scarlet’s boots crunching on the grass, and he almost suspected that the Mysteron agent had made it out of the copse before his sixth sense suddenly flared and he dived behind a tree; just in time to miss the gunshot that hit a low-hanging branch behind where he had just been standing.

So he’s still here after all, Scarlet thought grimly, cautiously poking his head out to see if he could spot anything. There was a flurry of movement to the north-east, and he quickly fired his own gun in that direction. A growl indicated that that was indeed where the Mysteron was hiding; however before Scarlet could fire again, Doktor Tanenbaum came charging out of the undergrowth, firing in the general location Scarlet was in, causing him to have to duck for cover, before darting back off again.

The Spectrum officer muttered a small curse before following him, the two exchanging gunfire – although due to all the trees, neither were able to hit their target – with the sound of pounding footsteps in the distance indicating to Scarlet that backup was arriving in the form of Blue, Ochre and Onyx.

Shortly, the Mysteron agent emerged into a small clearing. Eyes narrowed and firearm raised, he scanned the area for Scarlet but there was no sign of him. Remaining hidden so he could get a clear shot, Scarlet watched Doktor Tanenbaum observe his surroundings until he made as if to run off into another part of the copse, before firing. The shot struck the Mysteron in the shoulder and he dropped to the ground with a grunt of pain.

Emerging from the trees, with the footsteps he had heard coming ever closer, Scarlet kept his gun trained on him. “It’s over. You’ve lost again.”

Doktor Tanenbaum slowly staggered to his feet, glaring at Scarlet. “It is not over yet, Earthman.”

Scarlet’s eyes narrowed and his grip on his gun tightened. “What do you mean?”

“You shall see,” the Mysteron replied ominously. As the sound of voices could be heard filtering through the trees, he turned unnaturally fast and pointed his gun in that direction.

“No!” Scarlet yelled, sussing out Doktor Tanenbaum’s intention immediately and lunging forwards, only for the gun to be turned on him and fired. As the bullet ripped through his chest, Scarlet let out a strangled yell of pain, collapsing to the ground. The strap holding the Mysteron gun to his back had been severed, causing it to drop to the ground and the Mysteron agent kicked it away as he approached.

Raising his gun again slowly, due to his injured shoulder, his head jerked up as there was a crashing sound and Blue and Ochre appeared in the clearing, their own weapons trained on the Mysteron.

“Scarlet!” Blue called urgently, spotting his partner on the ground bleeding.

“Don’t worry, Scarlet, we’ll end this quickly,” Ochre growled, his trigger finger twitching. “Then we’ll get you back to Cloudbase so you can heal.”

“A bold plan, Earthmen,” Doktor Tanenbaum replied coolly. “But take one step towards him and I will shoot you both. Besides, you know that your weapons cannot deal with me permanently.”

“No, they can’t.” The sound of the Mysteron gun charging up accompanied Onyx’s cold tone. “But this can.”

Doktor Tanenbaum turned his head slightly so he could see all four Spectrum officers; Scarlet groaning on the ground, Blue and Ochre standing in front of him and Onyx standing behind him. It was probably not the Mysterons’ intention to do this while she was pointing a weapon capable of permanently killing reconstructions at him, but he would have to take this opportunity.

“Are you certain you wish to do that, Lieutenant?” he asked in a much softer tone than Mysteron agents usually used. “When we could give you what you have always wanted?”

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!” Ochre exploded.

Doktor Tanenbaum glared at him. “That was not a question for you, Earthman.”

“Oh no, I second it.” Onyx’s eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about? You have nothing to offer me.”

“Oh but we do. A place to belong, with your own kind.” Doktor Tanenbaum smiled as there were gasps from Blue and Ochre.

“Her own... You’re lying!” Blue snapped. “Trying to trick her into letting you go!”

“I can assure you I am not, Earthman.” Doktor Tanenbaum waved his hand dismissively. “Lieutenant Onyx may have a human form, but she is a Mysteron. Created long ago to be separate from the rest of the Mysterons on Mars; possibly to act as an ambassador between planets, before we became aware of the Earth’s true nature. And now we want her back.”

“Exactly; separate,” Onyx’s face had paled but she resolutely kept her grip on the Mysteron gun. “I am not one of you.”

“And you are not human either,” Doktor Tanenbaum countered. “You have never felt like you belonged among the Earthmen. But you belong among the Mysterons. They can show you the true extent of your powers and so much more. And all you need to do is prove your allegiance to your brethren. Kill Captain Scarlet.”

The agent in question groaned from his position still on the floor, having been quiet for the whole exchange to try and preserve his strength.

“No!” Blue yelled, firing his gun into Doktor Tanenbaum’s exposed shoulder, causing the Mysteron to growl and drop to the ground. “Lieutenant, I don’t know what he’s talking about but please don’t!”

Onyx’s grip had faltered and the gun was pointing at the ground. “You don’t know me,” she muttered, although it was unclear who she was addressing. Her eyes were flashing from side to side, glowing in her agitation.

“The Earthmen do not understand!” Doktor Tanenbaum continued, seemingly undeterred by his wounds. “The Mysterons will give you a home!”

“Lieutenant Onyx... Lena,” Ochre implored, after exchanging a glance with Blue. “Your life with Spectrum is only just beginning. Think of all the good times we’ve had on Cloudbase, and all the good times we will have. Think of the good we’re trying to do to protect the Earth from the Mysterons. We can talk about all of this. Just please...”

Onyx was silent for a good few minutes, deep in thought before her features hardened. Tightening her grip on the Mysteron gun, she raised it again, her eyes flickering from it to her target’s position on the ground. The remaining colour drained from his face.

“I’ve decided,” she said, her tone as cold and unattached as the rest of the Mysterons’.

The lieutenant pulled the trigger.





This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Captain Scarlet world, which is trademarked by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and Century 21 Productions. The Spectrum officers and the Mysterons are characters created and owned by Gerry and Sylvia, and I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Captain Scarlet. The story I tell here is my own invention, and it is not purported or believed to be part of the Captain Scarlet story canon. This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line.

I am grateful to Gerry and Sylvia for all their wonderful creations, which made up a big part of my childhood, without which this story would not exist, and also to Hazel Köhler who beta-read this story for me.



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